Ziling Wan, PhD Candidate
East Asian Studies, The University of Arizona
Jiang Wu ed., Albert Welter, Jeffrey Liu, co-ed., Ziling Wan (assistant editor). Encyclopedia of Hangzhou Buddhist Culture. Brill, forthcoming in 2025.
Liu, Jeffrey and Wan, Ziling. “The Making of a Sacred Landscape: Visualizing Hangzhou Buddhist Culture via Geoparsing a Local Gazetteer the Xianchun Lin’an zhi 咸淳臨安志.” In George Hong ed., Digital and Spatial Studies of Religions, 2023, pp. 75-92.
Ziling Wan edited and trans., “An interview with American art historian Dr. Patricia Graham 美國藝術史家派翠西亞·格拉罕博士座談錄.” Journal of Studies on Fujianese Entrepreneurs Culture Supplement 閩商文化研究, Special Issue: Huangbo (Ōbaku) Studies 黃檗學特刊 (2023): 145-153.
Liu, Jeffrey and Wan, Ziling. “The Making of a Sacred Landscape: Visualizing Hangzhou Buddhist Culture via Geoparsing a Local Gazetteer the Xianchun Lin’an zhi 咸淳臨安志.” Religions 13. 8 (2022): 711. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13080711. (Won Lingyin Buddhist Studies Best Paper Award in 2022)
Miao Guang ed., Ziling Wan (one of volunteer editors). The Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism 中英人間佛教詞彙選. Taiwan: Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism, 2019.
Charles Jones 周文廣. Ziling Wan, Xiumei Zeng trans. “Taixu yu renjianjingtu zuixin zhi pingshu 太虛與人間淨土最新研究之評述.” Miaofan 妙凡, Menghua Tsai 蔡孟樺 ed., Humanistic Buddhism: Journal, Arts, and Culture 人間佛教學報・藝文 20 (2019): 18-27. Kaohsiung: Fo Guang Shan Institute of Humanistic Buddhism.
Ziling Wan. “A Study of the Recorded Sayings of Chan Masters Nanquan, Zihu and Changsha.” MA Thesis. Fo Guang University, 2017.
Ziling Wan. “A Dialogue Between Buddhism and Science: The Influences upon Buddhist Dissemination.” BA Thesis. Fo Guang University, 2014.
Data Publications
1/ Buddhist Temple Data Published on Database
The Buddhist temple data (couplets, calligraphies, texts) I collected (in total of 15 records) at Kyoto, Japan in summer 2023 is available on “Frogbear Database of Religious Sites in East Asia.” (https://frogbear.org/app/#/list)
In the below are screenshots of one of the 15 records in the database:
2/ Religious Temple Spatial Data and GIS Maps Published on Website
During 2019-2023, I was Data/Archive Research Assistant for the two projects:
1) “Regional Religious System (RRS) Project Map” hosted by Prof. Jiang Wu supported by the Center for Buddhist Studies and the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Arizona, and
2) Hangzhou Buddhist Culture Project, entitled “The Hangzhou Region and the Chinese Creation of
an East Asian Buddhism,” initiated by Prof. Albert Welter at the University of Arizona.
I assisted in collecting and digitizing historical sources of Hangzhou Buddhist temples. The highlighted result of my data collection would be “Storymap of Hangzhou Buddhism” (https://arcg.is/myqfe). The data and maps were transformed into interactive content that can informs, inspires, and engages stakeholders. The followings is the website of the Storymap:
The temple data I collected were also visualized into several series of maps on rrs.arizona.edu, such as “1929 Survey of Buddhist Temples in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China,”“1950 Survey of Buddhist Temples in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China,”“1950 Survey of Daoist Temples in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China” and “2010 Survey of Buddhist Temples in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China.” In the followings are the samples of two series of maps:
Series A: 1929 Survey of Buddhist Temples in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China

Series B: 1950 Survey of Buddhist Temples in HangZhou, ZheJiang Province, China

Conference Presentations
“The Making of a Sacred Landscape: Visualizing Hangzhou Buddhist Culture via Geoparsing a Local Gazetteer the Xianchun Lin’an zhi 咸淳臨安志.” 64th Annual Conference of the American Association (AACS) for Chinese Studies, Denver, October 7-9, 2023.
“The Making of a Sacred Landscape: Visualizing Hangzhou Buddhist Culture via Geoparsing a Local Gazetteer the Xianchun Lin’an zhi 咸淳臨安志.” Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference, The University of Arizona, Sep. 16-18, 2022.
“Mapping Spatial Pattern of Water God Cults and Market Towns in a Locality: A Case Study of the Qing Dynasty Hangzhou Region.” (See poster) Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference, at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. Sep. 27-29, 2021.

“The Making of a Sacred Landscape: Visualizing Hangzhou Buddhist Culture via Geoparsing a Local Gazetteer the Xianchun Lin’an zhi 咸淳臨安志.” 64th Annual Conference of the American Association (AACS) for Chinese Studies, Denver, October 7-9, 2023.

64th Annual Conference of the American Association (AACS) for Chinese Studies, Denver, October 7-9, 2023.

“The Making of a Sacred Landscape: Visualizing Hangzhou Buddhist Culture via Geoparsing a Local Gazetteer the Xianchun Lin’an zhi 咸淳臨安志.” 64th Annual Conference of the American Association (AACS) for Chinese Studies, Denver, October 7-9, 2023.

“The Making of a Sacred Landscape: Visualizing Hangzhou Buddhist Culture via Geoparsing a Local Gazetteer the Xianchun Lin’an zhi 咸淳臨安志.” 64th Annual Conference of the American Association (AACS) for Chinese Studies, Denver, October 7-9, 2023.
Invited Talk
“Mapping the Past and Present: A Digital Humanities Tutorial Using ArcGIS Pro.” University of Arizona, Department of East Asian Studies (Nov. 2024)
“Pursuing a PhD in Buddhist Studies in the U.S.: A Young Scholar’s Journey.” Fo Guang University, Department of Buddhist Studies (June 2024)
“Geo-visualization, Geo-Parsing, and Index Measurement in the Study of Regional Religious Systems.” Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) Workshop (Sep. 2022)