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Academic Work Experience

As Data/Archive Research Assistant, Center for Buddhist Studies, The University of Arizona,

1/ Data/Archive Research Assistant   

Center for Buddhist Studies, The University of Arizona, 
  • Managed map archives for Regional Religious Systems project ( and collected and digitized historical sources

  • Collected Buddhist temple data (couplets, calligraphies, texts) at Kyoto, Japan. Data is available on Frogbear Database of Religious Sites in East Asia (Summer 2023)

  • Gathered aerial photo for Taiwan and Hangzhou for geospatial data and mapping at the WWII archive, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Summer 2022)

  • Collected archival data of historical rare book, manuscript, inscriptions at Archive of the Library of Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Summer 2022)

  • Gathered data for Storymap of Hangzhou Buddhism (2019)

2/  Graduate Assistant Program Coordinator.

Center for Buddhist Studies, The University of Arizona

Academic events


  • Promoting events through website, social media (Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, Youtube), backstage statistics and marketing platform (Mailchimp); designing graphics and texts for all social posts

  • Editing community wellness newsletters and annual newsletters

  • Organized a "Tea Ceremony" demonstration and set a booth to promote Buddhist culture in East Asian Festival (2023)

Online exhibit​

[Online Music Concert ] "A Voice from the Heart 一葉心聲: A Special Concert Celebrating Master Yinyuan Longqi 隱元隆琦 (1592-1673)" (2023)

  • Assisted with the online streaming ​on Youtube and Zoom; designed graphics for the flyer

[Online Art Exhibition] "Ōbaku Ingen Online Art Exhibition" (​ (2022-present)

  • Managed the metadata of the paintings and calligraphy, as well as the display and layout of the website

  • Assisted with the Open Ceremony event including tea ceremony demonstration and reception​

3/ Project Coordinator.

Language Education Center, Fo GuangUniversity            2017-2018
  • Managed and coordinated 4 English and Chinese Language Learning Projects, cooperated with the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Designed a classroom by simulating real-world scenario for English learning (see online news)

  • Coordinated over 25 language and cultural events (summer camps, lectures, and field trips)

4/ Research Assistant.

Center for Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University     
  • Digitalized and catalogued archives of Buddhist scriptural rare texts under the project of “Rare Buddhist Manuscripts from the Ming and Qing Dynasties”

  • Assisted with the grant annual reports sent to Taiwan National Science and Technology Council

  • Coordinated academic event of “Workshop and Forum on East Asian Buddhism and Texts”

  • Proofread the Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies

Teaching and Mentoring

Teaching Assistant

1/ Department of East Asian Studies/Department of Religious Studies, The University of Arizona (2019-2021)

  • East Asia and Global Capitalism (EAS 444/544)

  • The World of Buddhism (EAS 160)

  • Gods, Goddesses, and Demons: Divinity in South Asia (RELI 160)

  • Yoga (RELI 367)

  • Religion and Film (RELI 227)

  • Religion in American Experience (RELI 220)

  • Zen/Chan Buddhism (RELI/EAS 222)

    2/ Department of Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University, Taiwan  (2015-2017)   

  • History of Chinese Buddhism

  • Capstone Project


1/ Mentoring Field Work in Japan

  • Project: "The FROGBEAR Cluster 1.5 “Extended Textual Communities,” July 23 to 30, 2023

  • I trained one undergraduate and coordinated with graduate students (from the  institutions based in U.S, U.K., Japan, Korea, and Thailand, etc.) to collect data at a Kyoto Buddhist temple (Manpuku-ji), including calligraphy, couplets and plaques, for purpose of digitalizing into an online database.

  • Our data collection, in total of 35 records, is available on the database of “FROGBEAR (From The Ground Up: Buddhism & East Asian Religions) Database of Religious Sites in East Asia.” (​​​​ ​

2/ Mentoring Undergraduates in an International Workshop, China


  • Workshop: "The Second Workshop on Chinese Buddhism for Junior Researchers," Summer 2014

  • Hosted by the Center for Humanistic Buddhism, Nanjing University, China; Center for Buddhist Studies, Foguang University, Taiwan

  • I was selected by the Center for Buddhist Studies as a mentor when I was a master's student to help train junior researchers in Buddhist studies, including undergraduate and graduate students, through a series of curricula and activities.    

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