Ziling Wan, PhD Candidate
East Asian Studies, The University of Arizona
Academic Work Experience

1/ Data/Archive Research Assistant
Center for Buddhist Studies, The University of Arizona,
Managed map archives for Regional Religious Systems project (rrs.arizona.edu) and collected and digitized historical sources
Collected Buddhist temple data (couplets, calligraphies, texts) at Kyoto, Japan. Data is available on Frogbear Database of Religious Sites in East Asia (Summer 2023)
Gathered aerial photo for Taiwan and Hangzhou for geospatial data and mapping at the WWII archive, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Summer 2022)
Collected archival data of historical rare book, manuscript, inscriptions at Archive of the Library of Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (Summer 2022)
Gathered data for Storymap of Hangzhou Buddhism (2019)
2/ Graduate Assistant Program Coordinator.
Center for Buddhist Studies, The University of Arizona
Academic events
Coordinated 2 international conferences about venue, equipment and transportation, etc.; designed graphics of all the panel flyers; managed volunteers about the work flow for panels.
Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference, The University of Arizona, Sep. 16-18, 2022.
Jiangnan Buddhist Traditions in Context: The Early Modern Period, online, December 8-11, 2021.
Coordinated 4 lecture series--Lingyin Buddhist Studies Lecture Series, Ōbaku Ingen Lecture Series, Pu Yin Buddhist Studies Lecture, and Spiritual Wellness Series--which includes a total of 11 hybrid

Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference, The University of Arizona, Sep. 16-18, 2022.

Dr Jeffrey Liu and I represented the Centre for Buddhist Studies to meet with the co-host of the 2022 PNC Conference, the Center for Digital Culture, and to discuss the conference agenda at Academia Sinica, Taiwan.

Managed the testing of Zoom and equipment to ensure that the conference panel worked well in hybrid mode (zoom/in-person).

Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC) Annual Conference, The University of Arizona, Sep. 16-18, 2022.

Promoting events through website, social media (Facebook, Instagram, X/Twitter, Youtube), backstage statistics and marketing platform (Mailchimp); designing graphics and texts for all social posts
Editing community wellness newsletters and annual newsletters
Organized a "Tea Ceremony" demonstration and set a booth to promote Buddhist culture in East Asian Festival (2023)
Online exhibit
[Online Music Concert ] "A Voice from the Heart 一葉心聲: A Special Concert Celebrating Master Yinyuan Longqi 隱元隆琦 (1592-1673)" (2023)
Assisted with the online streaming on Youtube and Zoom; designed graphics for the flyer
[Online Art Exhibition] "Ōbaku Ingen Online Art Exhibition" (projects.cbs.arizona.edu/ingen) (2022-present)
Managed the metadata of the paintings and calligraphy, as well as the display and layout of the website
Assisted with the Open Ceremony event including tea ceremony demonstration and reception
3/ Project Coordinator.
Language Education Center, Fo GuangUniversity 2017-2018
Managed and coordinated 4 English and Chinese Language Learning Projects, cooperated with the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. Designed a classroom by simulating real-world scenario for English learning (see online news)
Coordinated over 25 language and cultural events (summer camps, lectures, and field trips)
4/ Research Assistant.
Center for Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University
Digitalized and catalogued archives of Buddhist scriptural rare texts under the project of “Rare Buddhist Manuscripts from the Ming and Qing Dynasties”
Assisted with the grant annual reports sent to Taiwan National Science and Technology Council
Coordinated academic event of “Workshop and Forum on East Asian Buddhism and Texts”
Proofread the Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies
Teaching and Mentoring
Teaching Assistant
1/ Department of East Asian Studies/Department of Religious Studies, The University of Arizona (2019-2021)
East Asia and Global Capitalism (EAS 444/544)
The World of Buddhism (EAS 160)
Gods, Goddesses, and Demons: Divinity in South Asia (RELI 160)
Yoga (RELI 367)
Religion and Film (RELI 227)
Religion in American Experience (RELI 220)
Zen/Chan Buddhism (RELI/EAS 222)
2/ Department of Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University, Taiwan (2015-2017)
History of Chinese Buddhism
Capstone Project
1/ Mentoring Field Work in Japan
Project: "The FROGBEAR Cluster 1.5 “Extended Textual Communities,” July 23 to 30, 2023
I trained one undergraduate and coordinated with graduate students (from the institutions based in U.S, U.K., Japan, Korea, and Thailand, etc.) to collect data at a Kyoto Buddhist temple (Manpuku-ji), including calligraphy, couplets and plaques, for purpose of digitalizing into an online database.
Our data collection, in total of 35 records, is available on the database of “FROGBEAR (From The Ground Up: Buddhism & East Asian Religions) Database of Religious Sites in East Asia.” (https://frogbear.org/app/#/list)

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2/ Mentoring Undergraduates in an International Workshop, China
Workshop: "The Second Workshop on Chinese Buddhism for Junior Researchers," Summer 2014
Hosted by the Center for Humanistic Buddhism, Nanjing University, China; Center for Buddhist Studies, Foguang University, Taiwan
I was selected by the Center for Buddhist Studies as a mentor when I was a master's student to help train junior researchers in Buddhist studies, including undergraduate and graduate students, through a series of curricula and activities.